Đặt câu với từ "infer|inferred|inferring|infers"

1. Ragged clothing infers poverty.

2. They are guessing the meaning of the phrasal verb solely literally, inferring the meaning of phrasal verb largely influenced by L1 and neglecting the context to infer its meaning.

3. These conclusions were lamely inferred.

4. Annular fissure is preferred over Annular tear because tear infers an injury

5. 1 What do you infer from her refusal?

6. What do you infer from the voting figures?

7. 7 Readers are left to infer the killer's motives.

8. Inferring gene regulatory networks from time-ordered gene expression data using differential equations

9. The system infers the orientation of the accelerometer in the vehicle from the acceleration signals.

10. 3 What do you infer from her refusal?

11. A lot can be inferred from these statistics.

12. What do you infer from this man's hesitating manner?

13. I inferred from her expression that she was angry.

14. Equivalences of gas accumulation infer a pre-eruption crystallization.

15. 16 But he couldn't infer the facts of consciousness.

16. 6 What do you infer from the voting figures?

17. 2 You may infer from his remarks the implications.

18. 2 From the postmark he inferred where she lived.

19. Multiple origins of Anural development in ascidians inferred from rDNA sequences

20. The abnormal events are generally identified by applying a scoring system for inferring a patient's clinical status.

21. The pterosaur genera Pterodactylus, Scaphognathus, and Tupuxuara have been inferred to be diurnal, Ctenochasma, Pterodaustro, and Rhamphorhynchus have been inferred to be nocturnal, and Tapejara has been inferred to be cathemeral, being active throughout the day for short intervals.

22. Synonyms for Alluding include implying, suggesting, hinting, indicating, inferring, insinuating, intimating, mentioning, adverting and citing

23. Mr Orton infers there is an inconsistency in my contention that, with proportional representation, Labour could achieve power.

24. 14 People usually infer an unknown fact from a known fact.

25. 15 One can not directly infer one from the other.

26. It is difficult to infer anything from such scanty evidence.

27. Proof by contraposition infers the conclusion "if p then q" from the premise "if not q then not p".

28. It is inferred that they make love for the first time.

29. 3 It is difficult to infer anything from such scanty evidence.

30. We infer that they accumulated during periods of accelerated soil erosion.

31. We find that the former complicates efforts to infer Crustal silica from

32. 17 We infer that they accumulated during periods of accelerated soil erosion.

33. The Abysm is filled with "astral rocks", though what exactly this infers about the place is unknown.

34. 29 The article implied that the pilot was responsible for the accident. If you infer something from what a speaker or writer says, you come to the conclusion that this is what he or she means:I inferred from the article that the pilot was responsible for the accident.

35. 8 There was no reply, whence he inferred that all had gone.

36. However, Bradley did correctly infer that the effect was due to relative velocities.

37. 21 From this, astronomers can infer the presence of many more "black holes".

38. I do not wish to infer that such hospitality was limited to our people.

39. 18 We can infer from the archaeological evidence that there was slavery in Carthage.

40. In most cases, he Abduces, that is, he infers the best possible explanation for the premises he obtains from his observation.

41. It is inferred from this point that the Memorandum was concluded sine die.

42. It is not to be inferred that all scientists are antagonistic to religion.

43. 13 I can infer from what you've said that you will do it.

44. 5 It is possible to infer two completely opposite conclusions from this set of facts.

45. Frequencies of external fundamentals are tentatively inferred from absorption bands appearing in the second order spectrum.

46. The underling variability of production activities is used to infer farmers’ attitudes toward risk.

47. While Attitudes logically are hypothetical constructs (i.e., they are inferred but not objectively observable),

48. Circumstantial evidence is a fact that can be used to infer another fact

49. 11 From the evidence we can infer that the victim knew her killer.

50. 10 From this study we can reasonably infer that this behaviour is inherited.

51. 9 Am I to infer that you think I'm not telling the truth?

52. 8 It is reasonable to infer that the government knew about these deals.

53. By referring this to a calibration curve based on tree rings, the absolute date is inferred.

54. And also typical wild soybeans were inferred to have had introgression from cultivated soybeans.

55. 28 This part infers the Baise speech according to preceding text analysis to be supposed to be south the cassiabarktree the Cantonese Nanning yongxun piece.

56. 27 It seems reasonable to infer that the cause was not sabotage but a simple accident.

57. The presence of an eutectic at 523° C was inferred from differential thermal heating and cooling curves.

58. 9 Group two can be inferred from the spontaneous irruption of subliminal contents into consciousness.

59. Researchers call a person's ability to infer others' intentions and beliefs the 'theory of mind'.

60. 12 I infer from your letter that you have not made up your mind yet.

61. Synonyms for Conjectural include academic, hypothetical, speculative, suppositional, theoretical, tentative, abstract, inferred, notional and postulated

62. Using statistical analysis to infer an accurate gps location for use in tracking devices

63. 23 For example, the word infer seems to have different meanings for different speakers.

64. 27 By measuring the motion of the galaxies in a cluster, astronomers can infer the cluster's mass.

65. 13 By measuring the motion of the galaxies in a cluster, astronomers can infer the cluster's mass.

66. He can logically infer that if the battery is dead then the horn will not sound.

67. 25 From archaeological evidence we can reasonably infer that these people used stone cutting tools.

68. Cytogenetic techniques may be able to detect inversions, or inversions may be inferred from genetic analysis.

69. 28 By measuring the motion of the galaxies in a cluster, astronomers can infer the cluster's mass.

70. 4 He can logically infer that if the battery is dead then the horn will not sound.

71. Iacus, Gary King, and Giuseppe Porro, “Matching for Causal Infer-ence Without Balance Checking: Coarsened Exact Matching”, http

72. The deputy judge inferred that the deceased was seriously confused as to the extent of his assets.

73. Admixture is a clustering software similar to STRUCTURE with the aim to infer populations and individual ancestries

74. As any statistician will confirm, it is unwise to infer trends from change over a single year.

75. “Anhematopoiesis” was inferred from the empty appearance of the marrow at autopsy by the earliest observers of the disease

76. In some cases costs and benefits must be estimated indirectly or inferred because pertinent market prices do not exist.

77. The experimenters inferred that the different responses to the statements were not due to passive reasoning errors.

78. They infer that it confirms and strengthens their position regarding the admission of "other servants" to internal competitions .

79. Surely marriage and prostitution are separate and it insults marriage to infer that they thrive on one another?

80. 26 Assumptions required to infer causes Does this mean that non-experimental data is useless for addressing causal issues?